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An Iranian Holding Company Is Considering the Implementation of a Project in the Astrakhan SEZs

Negotiations with representatives of a holding company from the Islamic Republic of Iran interested in cooperating with the Astrakhan special economic zones were held at the Management Company of the Caspian Cluster of SEZs. The event was attended by Mikhail Kabakov, Deputy Minister of Industry, Trade and Energy of the Astrakhan Region, and Stanislav Sinchenko, President of the Astrakhan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union, and staff members of SEZ Lotus JSC.

 The Iranian party plans to engage in the export of timber and other products from Russia to Iran via the Astrakhan Region, and is considering the establishment of a timber processing plant.

 The guests were informed about the industrial and logistics potential of the two economic zones and were provided with detailed information on the offered preferences and the development of the land area for tenants. Currently, 39 engineering infrastructure facilities have been constructed in the industrial SEZ Lotus. Three enterprises are successfully operating, and more than 10 projects of the SEZ tenants are in various stages of completion.

 In 2020, the Port Special Economic Zone was established in the Astrakhan Region with the aim of developing cargo transportation along the International North-South Transport Corridor. The representatives of the managing company SEZ Lotus JSC pointed out that tenants of the SEZ are exempt from VAT, in addition to reduced rates of income, property, land and transport taxes.

 – We have one of the most attractive tax regimes, and, taking into account the relatively young age of the Astrakhan SEZs, the preferential regime will remain valid for a longer period of time than in other Russian SEZs that had been established earlier, – noted Irina Bocharnikova, Head of the Investor’s Division of SEZ Lotus JSC.

 The guests from the Islamic Republic of Iran were reminded about the most favorable conditions created in the Astrakhan Region for the development of Russian-Iranian cooperation and the implementation of projects by Iranian partners. This was confirmed by the representatives of the company with Iranian participation Roza LLC, a tenant of SEZ Lotus, which is building the first in Russia household chemicals plant of Iranian brands. During the visit to the territory of the Industrial SEZ Lotus the potential partners from Iran observed the construction process and the plans of the company.

At the end of the visit, the representatives of the holding company from the Islamic Republic of Iran expressed their interest in further cooperation and noted that they consider the Astrakhan SEZs as the main sites for developing their activities.

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