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Alexander Kim Will Head the Management Company of the Caspian Cluster

On May 6, Ilya Volynskiy, the Minister of Industry, Trade, and Energy of the Astrakhan Region, introduced Alexander Kim as a new Director General of SEZ Lotus JSC. The appointment was authorized by the Board of Directors of SEZ Lotus JSC.

Alexander Kim was born on March 3, 1968. He graduated from the G.V. Plekhanov St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University) with a degree in Economics and Management of the Metallurgical Industry and also completed an additional training program in the field of state and municipal management at the Sochi State University.

 Alexander Kim previously held the position of Director of the Astrakhan branch of FSUE Rosmorport and also worked in a number of federal agencies, such as the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Transport, the Federal Customs Service, etc.

Sergey Milushkin, the previous Director General of SEZ Lotus JSC since 2015, has reached the end of his employment contract. He has been appointed to a new position and will continue his work in Moscow.

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